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This Active Recovery Workout Will Help You Bring Your A-Game to Every Routine

If you have grown to love your fitness routine, it can be tough to give it up — even for a day. You understand firsthand

What Happens When You Mix Caffeine and Alcohol

Just like biscuits and gravy or peanut butter and jelly, coffee and alcohol can make for a delicious pair. Pouring Baile

Whole Body Detox––Finding Out What’s Normal and What’s Not

So, you’ve decided to get your body back on track and decided the best way to start is with a detox, good for you! But,

Prevent Yoga Injuries

Reduce your chances of injury in your yoga practice by knowing your limits and following these tips.The health benefits of a regular yoga practice span the spectrum from physical to mental. Weight los

Embrace the Canadian Winter

Getting outside is fun--even in winter! With a little planning and preparation, you can still enjoy the great outdoors.Have you noticed that your exercise routine gets harder to maintain as the days g