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Workout with Ginseng and Yerba Maté

Do you reach for a cold drink before you hit the gym? Store shelves are packed with energy and sports drinks designed to improve your performance. While the drinks all have different formulas, researc

Exercise Safely this Summer

The heat is on! Before you head outdoors into the sun, humidity, and smog, learn how to exercise safely to avoid overexertion during the dog days of summer.Summer is here! Don’t let summer smog and sw

Sleeping with High Blood Sugar: What to Watch out for

A good nights sleep is something that is directly related to your quality of life. But for some people it’s harder to ac

How Intermittent Fasting Affects Your Sleep: Health Benefits

Intermittent fasting is currently increasing popularity amongst other diet plans and fitness strategies. People choose i

What You Can Do About Lockdown Weight Gain

There was kind of a funny meme going around at the start of the lockdown for COVID-19. It was really only a half joke (i