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10 Minute Sweat Session

Short on time? Time isn\'t an issue when it comes to being fit. Our 10 minute workouts fit into those few extra minutes we can all find in our day.It’s recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes

Monday Fitness Motivation to Kick off Your Work Week! (Video)

Sunday is the international day of being lazy on the sofa, watching your favorite TV show, maybe cleaning your apartment

14 Unexpected Smoothie and Green Juice Ingredients

Call it a fad if you must, but we're convinced the green juice and smoothie trend is here to stay. These nourishing drin

Blaze Pizza Now Has a Keto Crust for Pizza Lovers On a Low-Carb Diet

Since the keto diet has blown up, packaged keto foods aren't hard to come by. At this point, companies are churning out

How I Learned My Weight-Loss Journey Wasn't Over Even After Losing 170 Pounds

The first time I became aware of my weight, I was in fourth grade. At the time, it was common for schools to weigh stude