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Can Drinking Water Actually Help You Lose Weight?

If you're trying to lose weight, making simple changes to your lifestyle, such as heading outdoors for longer walks, red

How to Roast Dandelion Roots

Dandelions are a strong ally in the body’s fight against cancer. Here’s some helpful kitchen tips on how to roast them so you can reap the amazing healthy benefits. You can find the full article on pa

Ben & Jerry's Is Launching CBD Ice Cream—Maybe

Forget Phish Food and Half Baked. Ben & Jerrys just announced a potential addition to its flavors that might be its best

12 Months of Wellness

This month in our 12 Months of Wellness series, we\'re focusing on fitness. It\'s easy to move more. Make fitness a priority, set measurable goals, and try strength training.We’re well into the best yea

Are You Getting Enough Light? How Red Light Therapy Can Help

Chances are you’re not reading this article in a park or in your backyard. That’s because the average American spends a