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Exactly How to Do a Reverse Crunch Once and For All

If you want to sculpt your lower abs, it's time to mix up your classic core moves. Reverse crunches hone in on the botto

To Eat or Not to Eat? Best Bedtime Foods for Weight Loss

There’s something about late time cravings that everyone can relate to. As soon we change into sweats, there they are. A

Tired and Heavy Legs When Running

What could sound simpler: just right – left, right – left. However, it’s neither easy nor enjoyable if legs feel heavy w

What You Need to Know About the Relationship Between Sleep and Exercise

One thing you’ll never find me without is a watch. Maybe it’s the trainer in me, but for years my day was run by time ha

Get a Jump on Plyometrics: Purpose and Benefits of Plyo Exercise

"What is plyometric exercise and is it for me?" In case you've asked yourself that, here's your answer. If you have seen