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How Your Sleep Schedule Affects Your Weight Gain and Disease Risk

Why would you ever wake up earlier than you need to on a Saturday? Here's one reason: Sleeping in on the weekends can in

The Keto Diet: Why This Dietician Doesn’t Recommend It

If I type “KE” into my browser’s search engine, “keto diet” automatically comes up as the first guess at what I am typin

Age-defying Muscles

As we get older, we lose muscle. You can stay strong by performing simple strength training exercises in the convenience of your own home. When recently asked about his experiences with getting older,

Health Tech: Are Fitness Trackers Worth the Money?

FitBit, Garmin, Honor, Xiaomi, if you've been Googling fitness trackers lately, you've probably heard all these names an

14 Free Tune Up Fitness Videos: Follow Along with Jill Miller

NOTE: The practices we share we with you are simply an example of the many ways that WLC game players can accomplish the