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Mediterranean Diet Chicken Recipes for Lunch, Dinner, or Meal Prep

These Mediterranean chicken recipes are delicious for ways to eat lunch and dinner whether youre on the heart-healthy di

Tropical Topical

Unrefined, nutrient-rich shea butter offers many benefits for the skin and hair. It has been used to heal dry, itchy, scaly skin or scalps. The butter may also be used to reduce the appearance of wrin

Walking Addict? Here’s What to Do About Those Sore Feet

There is almost nothing worse than sore feet. We need those little pinkies for nearly everything. Want to get a drink fr

How to Shut Down the Sunday Scaries and Reclaim Your Weekend

Historically, Sundays have been reserved for rest and recharging after grinding through the taxing workweek. But in the

How to Tell If It's a UTI vs STD

When it comes to your sex life, there are a lot of acronyms out there — the fun ones, such as DTF or DTR are just as con