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How Your Sleep Schedule Affects Your Weight Gain and Disease Risk

Why would you ever wake up earlier than you need to on a Saturday? Here's one reason: Sleeping in on the weekends can in

What to Do When People Just Don’t Get Your Healthy Choices

Making a significant change in your life is challenging. The habits we form for eating, exercise, and self-care are long

How to Boost Your Immune System: Part 1, Nutrition

I want to talk about a slightly different take on being healthy than we normally do. It’s always in there, but I want to

The Birth Control Side Effects to Know for Each Type of Contraceptive

Back in middle school, you may have heard rumors that your best friends older sister suffered severe cramps for months a

Where Does ‘Yoga Is Boring’ Myth Come From?

“Yoga is so slow”, “Yoga is boring and dull” - I’ve heard this both from my dear friends and random acquaintances so man