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How to Prevent Butt Soreness and Vulvar Pain While Cycling

When you go a few weeks or months without hitting up a particular class or type of workout, there are bound to be a few

Are Aloe Vera Juice Benefits for Real?

When it comes to trendy "health drinks" if its not one elixir its another, but what about aloe vera juice? Are any of th

Just a Plant? Are There Health Benefits to Eating Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera has a long history. Even some 6,000 years ago, its nutrimental benefits were used by the Ancient Egyptians to

This Zesty Wheat Berry Salad Will Help You Reach Your Daily Fiber Quota

Sorry, quinoa, there's a new nutrient-dense grain in town: wheat berries. Technically, these chewy bits are whole wheat

Try This BLT Chicken Salad Collard Wrap for a Low-Carb Meal Prep Lunch

The classic BLT sandwich might seem like a decadent lunch unfit for a healthy, active girl like you. But there are small