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Johnny Jump-Up and Lentil Salad

Fresh Johnny Jump-Ups have a mild minty flavour that brings a brightness to recipes. While this recipe is a terrific light lunch or dinner side dish, it also works well as an appetizer for a crowd whe

These Snack Subscription Boxes Will Keep You from Ever Going Hungry Again

Best Snack Subscription Box for the Cheese-Obsessed: Fromagination Cheese of the Month Best Snack Subscription Box to S

4 Awesome Ways to Like Yourself More

A couple of years ago I learned about Sophie Tanner, a 37-year old from Brighton, after a long string of disappointing b

How Chronic Dehydration Can Make You Fat, Tired, and Weak

Water is the essence of life. Every living thing needs water to survive, right down to every cell in all plants and anim

The Reason Why You Feel Neck Pain While Doing Crunches

Like most ever-evolving gym-goers, I finally realized I needed to start doing more core work. But when I added a ton of