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What is the Secret of a Happy Life? Let’s Find Out

Have you ever thought: “I would be just a little happier if I had more money, a new car, a more exciting job, a relation

What the Latest Research Says About Cancer and Heart Disease

I’ve always looked at health as an entire system working together. You can have a great pancreas, but if you also have a

Protect Your Skin and the Environment

You’re heading out—but did you remember your sunscreen? And did you remember to check the label on that sunscreen? Turns out a common sunscreen ingredient has been implicated in the destruction of cor

The Health Perks of Oil

You've heard it a million times: Fat is bad for you. But the reality is, only some fats-as in, trans and saturated fats-

Research Found the Quickest, Least Painful Way to Up Your Cardio

What are your most common reasons for missing your workout? Too busy? No money for a gym? No equipment? Too complicated?