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Kelly Ripa Has Been Working Out with Her Trainer for 12 Years — Here's...

It's no secret Kelly Ripa exercises on the regular (have you seen her Instagram?), but her longtime trainer Anna Kaiser

Why It's Perfectly Acceptable to Walk During Your Runs

It was the night before the Lululemon Seawheeze half-marathon in Vancouver, and I was talking to the pacer I planned to

Tami Roman Addressed Trolls Who Shamed Her for Losing Weight

Basketball Wives star Tami Roman recently fired back at body shamers on Instagram with a caption addressing negative bac

Why You Have Lower-Back Pain After Spin Class (Plus How to Fix It)

Pushing through the burn is part of a good, sweaty spin class. But theres a big difference between that hurts so good fe

Everything You Need to Know About Baby Goat Yoga

Lately, a new trend has taken the yoga world by storm: baby goat yoga. Also known as caprine vinyasa, baby goat yoga has