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Maintaining that Manly Mug

Men have come a long way since the days of shaving with a cutthroat razor and bar soap. Today when the average male selects his personal care products, he knows what he is expecting from them. Here is

Behind the Scenes at the 2012 Snack Awards

If youve picked up a copy of the July issue, youve seen the 2012 edition of the annual SHAPE Snack Awards where we share

Raja Yoga Meditation Might Be Just What Your Mind Needs

It's hard to overemphasize the multitude of perks that come from meditation practice. But just like with any other addit

Kelsey Wells Shared the Cute Reason She Meditates with Her Dog

In case you need any more reason to meditate, it can double as quality time with your pet. Take it from PWR trainer Kels