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This Mediterranean Diet Shopping List Will Have You Excited for Your Next Grocery Run

One of the Mediterranean diets greatest strengths is that its not super restrictive. While some diets call for sticking

Fake Don’t Bake

We\'re all aware that baking in the sun can cause cancer and premature aging of skin. Tanning beds are no better. The safe answer for your lily-whites is to use a self-tanner. Sunless tanning products

Maintain Your Balance

Maintaining our balance becomes even more important to avoid falls as we get older. These exercises will help you stay mobile and on your feet.Moving through each phase of life, our body strictly adhe

3 Simple Seated Stretches You Can Do at Your Desk

The three simple seated stretches demonstrated in this video — pelvic tilts, heel-toe raises, and seated twists — can be

DIY Self-Lymphatic Massage – Tutorial

This article is an educational one – if you’ll be patient enough to get through it, you will learn how to give yourself