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Running on an Empty Stomach: Is It Ever a Good Idea?

You’ve heard the rumors? But could they be true, is running on an empty stomach in the morning ever a good idea or is it

Quick ’n’ Easy Doesn’t Have To Be Fast ’n’ Greasy

Fast/convenience foods are easy, but they’re far from the ideal diet for a growing human. Once in a while it’s OK, but making fast food a regularity creates a potentially harmful nutritional foundatio

Shades of Grey

Do you view the world in black and white? Feel like it’s all or nothing? Prone to making snap decisions? Struggle to see compromises? Learn about the importance of making space for the myriad shades o

How You Should Really Be Thinking About 'Cheat Days'

There's no satisfaction like a few bites of greasy pizza when you've been sticking to your healthy diet for the past mon


Wistful thoughts of warm summer sunshine and long days of outdoor fun often crowd our minds during the darker days of winter. But that feeling of longing isn’t unusual, or necessarily concerning. What