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What Pigeon Toeing Really Is (and 3 Ways to Improve It)

As a follow-up to my article on how to correct a duck footed stance (one where your feet turn outward while walking or s

Are Aloe Vera Juice Benefits for Real?

When it comes to trendy "health drinks" if its not one elixir its another, but what about aloe vera juice? Are any of th

Organic Blooms For Your Beloved

Many of us conscientiously seek out organic food products—but what about that bouquet of flowers we add to the grocery basket on a whim? Flowers bring good things to our lives; making sure they’re org

The Reason Why You Feel Neck Pain While Doing Crunches

Like most ever-evolving gym-goers, I finally realized I needed to start doing more core work. But when I added a ton of

How Your Hormones Affect Your Metabolism

Your hormones and your metabolism are deeply intertwined.“Metabolism isn’t just about how quickly you burn calories—it e