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DIY Stress-Busters


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What the Year of the Metal Ox Could Mean for You

2020 was the Chinese year of the rat. Filled with anxiety and strife, we scurried for safety and security in a series of

6 Nutrition Myths the Fitness Industry Has Sold You

When we think of the “fitness industry,” all of us instantly picture hot chicks in sports bras displaying super flat sto

Targeted Stress Relief: 10-Minute Follow Along Yoga Flow with Sima

Welcome to my eight-part yoga flow series! Each of these videos will be presented in a follow along format, so all you h

Your Quadratus Lumborum and Back Pain: What You Need to Know

The quadratus lumborum, or QL, is a key piece of your core. While technically an abdominal muscle, the QL is located dee

Is Your Gut Happy?

More than 20 million Canadians suffer from digestive issues each year. Now that the holiday festive season is a wrap, we’re wondering: how’s your gut doing? We have some ideas that might make it happi