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How to Dress for Winter Workouts & Stay Warm

Baby, it’s cold outside! And if winter workouts sound less than amazing right now, you’re not alone. But before you give

The Top 9 Antiviral Essential Oils

Many people run to their doctor at the first sign of a cold or flu, demanding a prescription for antibiotics. But antibiotics are only effective against bacteria, not viruses, which are the true cause

Top 5 Healthy Ideas for an Awesome Movie Snack

It seems impossible to plan movie night without adding a bunch of tasty treats to it – whether you are going out or stay

How to Prevent Shoulder Injury (by Mobilizing Your Teres Minor)

For athletes whose training includes frequent overhead pressing or pulling, the risk of shoulder issues is high. This is

African Mango: The Miracle Weight-Loss Supplement?

You may have seen the news about African Mango on those pop up ads or featured on the Dr. Oz Show. So what exactly is al