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Time to Try High Intensity Interval Training for Seniors?

Ah, a lovely mild evening, time to relax in that armchair with a warm cup of tea, a heated blanket, your cat curled up i

You Can Actually Override Your "Fat" Genes—Here's How

If youre like many fit women, youve worked your butt off (or some other fill-in-the-blank trouble spots), but your belly

Go 7 Days With No Alcohol: Weekly Habit Practice

The Weekly Habit Practices are mini-challenges intended to help you fine-tune different aspects of your health and welln

The Real Purpose of Stretching Is Not What You Think

How’s your flexibility? Are you as limber as your dog or cat, or is your body and joints as inflexible as those 2 x 4s t

What You Think You Know About Metabolism Is All Wrong

Chances are, you think of your metabolism as a fire, flaming up when you exercise to torch calories. But that's just a v