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5 Eating Strategies to Help Look on The Bright Side

Use these eating strategies to help yourself look on the bright side more often. 1. Go back to basics An investigation in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that people who followed a typical We

Tropical Topical

Unrefined, nutrient-rich shea butter offers many benefits for the skin and hair. It has been used to heal dry, itchy, scaly skin or scalps. The butter may also be used to reduce the appearance of wrin

What Are the Main Barriers People with Disabilities Face in Sports?

It’s hardly news that even in the most progressive societies, people with disabilities face inequality in sport and phys

Spring Forward Toward Restful Sleep

Is your sleep routine disrupted with the advent of daylight saving time? Sleep disturbances are no small matter. With these natural remedies, you can spring forward toward restful sleep. Each March mo

The Complete Guide to Keto Starbucks Drinks and Food

Try one of the best keto Starbucks drinks and food options next time you need a coffee fix.Keto-Friendly Starbucks Ordre