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Getting Back to the Gym After Coronavirus Lockdown Ends

The times of coronavirus are not behind us yet. But, as the stay-at-home orders, put in place to combat the said virus,

Try This Monthly Workout Plan to Overhaul Your Fitness Routine

You may hear recommendations to do cardio three times a week, strength twice, and active recovery once, but keeping trac

How I Regained My Core Strength After Having a C-Section

I was never big on planks and crunches. But damn, I had no idea how often I used my core in everyday life-standing on th

Rosy Granola

This unique grain-free granola is paleo, vegan, and free of refined sugars. For a quick and simple breakfast, try serving this sprinkled over yogurt and garnished with fresh seasonal strawberries.   I

Zap those zits!

We all remember those awkward, angst-filled teenage years. Many of us also remember something else: what the commercials call acne or blemishes, but what our friends called zits, pimples, and pizza nu