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Elevated eats for felix and fido

Canadians love their animal companions: more than half of us are proud pet owners. And our interest in natural nutrition for our best friends is on the rise. Read on for options to help your pet live

The 4 Reasons You Quit Meal Prep (and How to Do It Right)

Have you ever tried and failed at meal prep? Its probably because of one or all of these four reasons:You made a hot mes

7 Reasons You Should Book a Fit-cation to a Ski Town This Summer

Off-season, ski resorts are less expensive and less crowded—and the perfect destination for healthy travelHit Up Healthy

20-Minute Meal Planning for People Who Hate Meal Planning

One beautiful Sunday morning this past fall I sat in the bleachers at a local park, watching my son’s baseball game. On

How to Cook Beans So They *Actually* Taste Good

You might have despised them as a child (and maybe still do), but beans are more than deserving of a spot on your plate.