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Celebrate National Dance Day With Celeb Dance Moves That Get You Fit

July 30th is National Dance Day! We all know that dancing is a fabulous way to tone up and slim down. But, according to

Loyal to Coffee? The Impact of Caffeine on Eating Behavior

You drink it every morning without even thinking how that extra energy boost affects your eating patterns and the whole

Your brain on… air pollution?

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that air pollution is a major environmental risk to health. Those health effects directly related to air pollution include lung cancer, stroke, heart diseas

How Did the “7 Daily Habits” Come to Be? (#BecauseScience)

When we think about habits, we often think about bad habits — things like biting fingernails, or the five-year-old who s

How to Take Care of You (And Why You Need to For Your Family)

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, I put aside work, family, and a long list of to-do items and go to the gym