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Yoga for Sound Slumber

Having trouble sleeping? Before you spend another night tossing and turning, try doing these yoga poses and deep breathing exercises before going to bed.Those who suffer from insomnia are familiar wit

Picnic Sports

What\'s a family picnic without badminton or bocce? Before you play picnic sports, prevent injury by doing some easy warmup exercises.Summertime and the exercisin’ is easy. Now’s the time to get outdoo

A Natural Guide to Caring for Your Body After Baby

The postpartum stage, or the “fourth trimester,” is a time of development for your newborn, and for you too. Your body can go through changes, both physically and mentally, that may be foreign to you.

Kelsey Wells Shared the Cute Reason She Meditates with Her Dog

In case you need any more reason to meditate, it can double as quality time with your pet. Take it from PWR trainer Kels

Tai Chi and Health

Over the last 20 years you may have noticed the emergence of early morning tai chi practices in your neighbourhood parks, beaches, and open spaces. Tai chi’s popularity is growing rapidly, largely due