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How to Mobilize Your Nerves and Why You Might Do It

Have you ever decided to start a mobility or movement program, only to come to a frustrating halt when told to avoid any

10 Surprising Cancer-Fighting Superfoods

When it comes to cancer prevention, you may already know that it’s important to eat more broccoli and tomatoes, drink more green tea, and incorporate flaxseeds into your diet. These foods are powerful

Golden Rules

Beauty is not to be put down with the proviso being that the body is nourished and cared for. To many people, caring for the skin, hair, and nails comes naturally, but if you haven\'t set up a simple l

Testosterone 101

Testosterone plays important roles in the body—it’s not just for mucho macho. “T” also contributes to bone density, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, facial and body hair, and the production

Can Vegetarians Eat Eggs? Short Q&A

If you’re thinking about going vegetarian or started following this diet just recently, many questions will arise.What i