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Edamame with Ginger Chili Dipping Sauce

The elegance of this appetizer lies in its simplicity. Sweet, salty, spicy, and slightly smoky, it’s everything you want to have while sipping a cocktail this holiday season.Ingredients1 Tbsp (15 mL)

8 Healthy Protein Sources (for When You’re Sick and Tired of Chicken)

Are you tired of eating the same egg scramble for breakfast, chicken for lunch, and pork chops for dinner? You care abou

Can Drinking Water Actually Help You Lose Weight?

If you're trying to lose weight, making simple changes to your lifestyle, such as heading outdoors for longer walks, red

Why and How Hotels Are Getting Healthier

Youve come to expect a few standard hotel amenities, like mini bottles of shampoo and body wash next to the bathroom sin

Rockin’ into the New Year: Top 3 Habits for 2021

Phew! Yep, that’s a sigh of relief as 2020 draws to a close. And what a year it’s been! Coronavirus, murder hornets, and