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8 Healthy High-Carb Breakfast Foods That Are Actually Good for You

Thanks to these protein- and fiber-enriched on-the-go breakfasts, hunger pangs are a thing of the pastThe Health Benefit

7 Ways to Dial Down Holiday Stress and Actually Enjoy Your Family

Oh, the holidays. The family gathers for fun, food, and festivities. All the children are scrubbed, dressed, and well-be

This Is Why Coffee Makes You Poop

Any coffee lover will tell you the beverage is a godsend. The bean juice is an easy pick-me-up on sleepy mornings and en

14 Unexpected Smoothie and Green Juice Ingredients

Call it a fad if you must, but we're convinced the green juice and smoothie trend is here to stay. These nourishing drin

8 "Dinner Foods" You Should Eat for Breakfast

If you've ever had breakfast for dinner-pancakes, waffles, even scrambled eggs-you know what fun it can be to swap a mea