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Matters of the Mind

From your joints to your gut flora, you’ve got your physical health covered. But have you thought about protecting your mind? Learn about four mental health concerns, your susceptibility to them, and

An Open Letter to Runners Who Think They're 'Too Slow'

To Any Runner Who Thinks Theyre "Too Slow,"And you get the lows. Even running's so-called "downsides" are yours for the

Healthy Vegan Breakfast Recipes and Ideas

Thought eating a high-protein breakfast meant you needed to bulk up on eggs and meat? Think again. Here are some stellar

Age-Defying Antioxidants

Though aging may be inevitable, how we age depends on how we treat our bodies and our skin. With proper care and nourishment, skin can remain healthy and beautiful well into the later years.Aging is i


Wondering what the zumba exercise craze is all about? We introduce you to this music-infused energetic workout.When it comes to working out, many people feel exercise should be athletic-based and chal