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Taking a Stand for GMO Labelling, Regenerative Agriculture, and Nature

At 19 years old, Rachel Parent is already a luminary leader who encourages everyone—no matter their age—to join her in the fight for GMO labelling and protecting the planet. Find out how this activist

3 Simple Seated Stretches You Can Do at Your Desk

The three simple seated stretches demonstrated in this video — pelvic tilts, heel-toe raises, and seated twists — can be

Cannabis 101

With recreational cannabis being legal in Canada, public interest in it is at an all-time high. Yet, there are nuances to navigate within this new era of permitted pot. Here, we take you through canna

14 Free Tune Up Fitness Videos: Follow Along with Jill Miller

NOTE: The practices we share we with you are simply an example of the many ways that WLC game players can accomplish the

Tired and Heavy Legs When Running

What could sound simpler: just right – left, right – left. However, it’s neither easy nor enjoyable if legs feel heavy w