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Shades of Grey

Do you view the world in black and white? Feel like it’s all or nothing? Prone to making snap decisions? Struggle to see compromises? Learn about the importance of making space for the myriad shades o

Does Prebiotic Soda Have Real Health Benefits?

If you have a soft spot for carbonated drinks (looking at you, LaCroix) then you've probably heard of or already tried h

Exactly How to Do a Reverse Crunch Once and For All

If you want to sculpt your lower abs, it's time to mix up your classic core moves. Reverse crunches hone in on the botto

Botanical Balms

Plant oils provide a simple, natural way to achieve moisturized, healthy skin.Whether your skin is dry, damaged, or oily, you can find a plant oil that will help you restore your natural radiance. Unl

Creamy Big Green Smoothie

Got extra greens in your crisper? Blend ’em up with some frozen fruit, nutty hemp hearts, and spicy ginger for a satiating and refreshing smoothie that is ultra-nutritious. The silky tofu provides a s