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Try These 5 Simple Breathing Exercises for Sleep

Struggling to nod off? Or waking up a few hours into your beauty sleep only to have difficulty slipping back into a slum

Get a Jump on Plyometrics: Purpose and Benefits of Plyo Exercise

"What is plyometric exercise and is it for me?" In case you've asked yourself that, here's your answer. If you have seen

Mud is Not a Four-letter Word

Mud has a dirty reputation. But it turns out that mud, dirt, and soil have many health benefits and properties that can make us healthy and happy.Mud has a dirty reputation. Soil, mud, dirt–they’re wo

Thirsty For Health?

Canada is home to some of the world’s most pristine fresh water. The more we recognize how water keeps every part of our body healthy, the more we can appreciate and protect our access to this vital n

Prolonged Grief Disorder Is Now Officially Considered a Mental Health Condition

As of last week, prolonged grief disorder, officially became a new diagnosis in the latest edition of the Diagnostic and