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The Relationship Between Birth Control and Hair Loss

When you're ready to switch up your current method of contraception, you've probably been told to expect an uncomfy, unw

Mini Avocado Matcha Pudding Cups

If there was ever an excuse to eat dessert for your health, this tasty little frozen pudding morsel ticks the box. Some studies show matcha has a very high concentration of antioxidants and may reduce

Here's What a Perfectly Balanced Weekly Workout Schedule Looks Like

With benefits such as better quality sleep, a boost in brainpower, and increased levels of happiness, it's no wonder why

Facing Up to Winter

Putting your best face forward means creating healthy skin all year round, no matter which part of Canada you call home. North, south, east, or west – find the skin care that suits you best. High and

How the Whole Life Challenge Can Help You Find “The New Healthy”

For many of us, managing our health the way we’re used to is so last year. Literally.  With everything that’s been going