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How to Increase Happiness (by Following These 5 Twitter Accounts)

I’m always surprised when people describe Twitter as a cesspool of hatred and garbage. I understand that if you’re a fam

Cold and flu be gone

The dreaded cold and flu season is upon us. And with the commencement of the new school year, what could be a higher priority than staying healthy this fall and winter? A number of natural health prod

Tai Chi and Health

Over the last 20 years you may have noticed the emergence of early morning tai chi practices in your neighbourhood parks, beaches, and open spaces. Tai chi’s popularity is growing rapidly, largely due

Daddy Dinnertime Hacks

Being an active, engaged, and present parent is truly the most mentally, physically, and emotionally challenging and draining role on the planet. Part of being a good dad includes sharing the load whe

Fruity Antioxidant Drinks That Are Crazy Good for Your Body

It's no secret that fresh fruits, veggies, nuts are packed with gut-friendly fiber, essential vitamins, and key minerals