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Facing the New Year

What’s this? A miner’s headlamp on your forehead? You’ve just awakened to find a giant pimple there, and you know your skin was clear the night before. And it would appear on the same day as the big d

What to Say to Someone with Anxiety, According to Mental Health Experts

Roughly 20 percent of Americans (~40 million people) deal with some form of an anxiety disorder. So chances are, if you

What to Do About the Loose Skin After Successful Weight Loss

Losing weight takes an enormous amount of willpower, work, and effort. Finally reaching such a big goal should be a time

This Mediterranean Diet Shopping List Will Have You Excited for Your Next Grocery Run

One of the Mediterranean diets greatest strengths is that its not super restrictive. While some diets call for sticking

How to Prevent Butt Soreness and Vulvar Pain While Cycling

When you go a few weeks or months without hitting up a particular class or type of workout, there are bound to be a few