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Healthy Holiday Breakfasts That Taste Like Dessert

Treat yourself to these breakfasts that will inspire you to start your day off right all season long.Gingerbread Pancake

What You Need to Know About Fats, Carbs, Protein, and Your Goals

I work in a cubicle farm. Unique to my quad of cubicle-mates over the past two years is that each of us has run our own

Deep Purple Smoothie

This drink is almost too pretty to sip. And even better, it sneaks in a serving of antioxidant-rich red cabbage, which adds to this smoothie’s stunning shade without making it taste too, well, cabbage

Meat-Free Mama: Tips for Breastfeeding Vegans & Vegetarians

You probably heard it before; muttered at the doctor’s office, on the train, at a gathering of your girlfriends: “vegeta

This Avocado Tartine Is About to Become Your Sunday Brunch Staple

Weekend after weekend, brunch with the girls consists of discussing the previous night's Tinder date, drinking one-too-m