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14 Healthy Banana Smoothie Recipes That Are Better Than Milkshakes

Bananas are some of the most versatile fruits you can find, and they bring the perfect amount of sweetness and smooth co

Is Your La Croix Obsession Healthy?

The seltzer boom is here. It's happened. Sales of sparkling waters and seltzers (including alcoholic ones) have skyrocke

Whole-Body Strength Program

Don’t forget about that resolution! Keep reading for a whole-body circuit program that will strengthen your core and tone your muscles all over.Perform the following program 2 to 3 times a week; howev

Quick Fit for Tweens and Teens

Too much screen time and not enough physical activity is taking its toll on teens and tweens. Do our quick fit exercises with your kids to steer them onto the road to fitness.The 2012 Active Healthy K

The Keto Diet: Why This Dietician Doesn’t Recommend It

If I type “KE” into my browser’s search engine, “keto diet” automatically comes up as the first guess at what I am typin