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Why You Have Lower-Back Pain After Spin Class (Plus How to Fix It)

Pushing through the burn is part of a good, sweaty spin class. But theres a big difference between that hurts so good fe

What to Do If a Tampon Is Stuck Inside You

When you hear stories of vagina-owners getting tampons stuck inside their body, its easy to assume it would never happen

4 Tips on How to End a Toxic Relationship

Back in my childhood, my favorite fairy-tale was “Beauty and the Beast”. To me, that was the truest and brightest exampl

Hard Core Training

Core strength is the most essential component of any complete physical training program. Without it, athletes lack functional strength and leave themselves open to fatigue and injury. Whether professi

5 Ways You Can Make Social Media a Positive Force

The harms of social media are well documented. It can be addictive, damaging, and toxic. Watching the highlights of othe