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Is Your Gut Happy?

More than 20 million Canadians suffer from digestive issues each year. Now that the holiday festive season is a wrap, we’re wondering: how’s your gut doing? We have some ideas that might make it happi

Exercise Safely this Summer

The heat is on! Before you head outdoors into the sun, humidity, and smog, learn how to exercise safely to avoid overexertion during the dog days of summer.Summer is here! Don’t let summer smog and sw

Why is Water So Important, and How Much Should You Be Drinking?

More than anything else, your body is made of water. Water is one of the basic resources for your life. Just to function

Choose a Personal Trainer

You want to get fit. A personal trainer can help you achieve your fitness goals. But what questions should you ask someone you want to hire as a personal trainer?Working out with a personal trainer is

The Meaning of Dreaming

Are your dreams hazy and hard to recall? Or funny and unforgettable? Ever tried to make sense of a bizarre dream? Read on to learn about the inner workings of dreams and their connection to well-being