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BMI Explained: Why Is BMI Important to Know?

BMI stands for Body Mass Index, and it is one of the most-used metrics in health. When asking, “what is my BMI?” what yo

How to Stop Boredom Eating––Here’s Our Top 7 Tricks

How to stop boredom eating is one of the most asked dieting questions on online search engines, and the reason why is th

6 Healthy Ways to Feel Awesome in Time for Spring Break

During the cold weather months, it can be so nice to enjoy comfort foods and warm, flavorsome meals with friends and fam

How to Win at “Cheat Days”

There’s a concept in the diet and nutrition world that’s been around for a while (it probably came along the moment afte

Start Your Mom’s Day

Gifting the mom of the household organic flowers or a gift card to the spa is a great way to celebrate her special day. But if you really want to do something memorable and show how much you care, sur