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Charcoal Ice Cream Is Actually a Thing, But Should You Be Eating It?

We're not ones to shy away from an ice cream trend. Green tea ice cream? Been there. Rolled ice cream? Done that. But wh

This Trainer-Approved Hack Will Teach You How to Position Your Feet During Hip Thrusts

When you're first attempting to perform hip thrusts as a strength-training newcomer, you might have a rough idea of how

Diet for Clear & Glowing Skin

Lifestyle factors play a major role in maintaining healthy skin. Diet, including food and drink, provides nutrients for the optimal functioning of your skin.In recent years it has become clear that li

The Best Sleep Music to Listen to When You Need Help Dozing Off

Parents around the world lull their children to sleep by singing to them. Fast forward to adulthood and all your go-to s

How to Reduce Holiday Spending and Love the Season More

Before online shopping was a thing — and before we had kids — my husband and I took care of our Christmas shopping in on