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What is the Secret of a Happy Life? Let’s Find Out

Have you ever thought: “I would be just a little happier if I had more money, a new car, a more exciting job, a relation

Is Hummus a Good Source of Protein?

With more and more containers popping up on supermarket shelves, you might be wondering, if it's really as healthy as it

Tropical Topical

Unrefined, nutrient-rich shea butter offers many benefits for the skin and hair. It has been used to heal dry, itchy, scaly skin or scalps. The butter may also be used to reduce the appearance of wrin

The Best Advice I Ever Got

Dont do anything youre going to be resentful for.Then I hit rock bottom. I was beyond exhausted and beginning to feel bi

5 Things You Didn't Know About Quinoa

The International Year of Quinoa may have come to an end, but quinoas reign as one of the healthiest foods of all time w