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Kelsey Wells Shared the Cute Reason She Meditates with Her Dog

In case you need any more reason to meditate, it can double as quality time with your pet. Take it from PWR trainer Kels

Keepin’ It Hot with Fire Cider Vinegar

Fire cider is a powerful botanical concoction that combines a host of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients marinated for several weeks in ACV. It can be used as a potent cold and flu buster

An Open Letter to Anyone Who's Been Told They're 'Too Sexual'

Your sexuality, or lack thereof, is up to you entirely — not for anyone else to presume. Its not up for debate. And its

How to Make Sense of Calories — No Counting Included

Once anyone finds out that Im a registered dietitian, they start asking me about their favorite foods. Recently, a frien

Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth with This Healthy, Vegan Banana Bread Recipe

Raise your hand if you've been straight-up ~swooning~ over the homemade baked goods filling up your Instagram feed. Ever