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4 Active Family Vacations

Dude Ranch Vacations If you love horses, then youll love recommendation # 1 for your fun family getaways: Paradise Gues

Protein Shake Recipes That Won't Bore You to Tears

Downing protein shakes shouldnt feel like a post-workout or early-morning chore. Try these creative protein shake recipe

The Rules for Healthy Eating Made Simple: How to Choose Your Whole Life Challenge...

The rules for healthy eating actually are simple — and to understand them, you’ll start by identifying the foods to avoi

Feeling Sad on Your Birthday? Here’s What You Can Do

Birthday depression might sound like an oxymoron. After all, it should be the day of great joy and fun, the day when you

Picnic Sports

What\'s a family picnic without badminton or bocce? Before you play picnic sports, prevent injury by doing some easy warmup exercises.Summertime and the exercisin’ is easy. Now’s the time to get outdoo