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3 Can't-Miss National Park Adventures In Michigan

Celebrate the National Park Services 100th anniversary by joining other adventurers who will climb a giant sand dune, ka

Maintaining that Manly Mug

Men have come a long way since the days of shaving with a cutthroat razor and bar soap. Today when the average male selects his personal care products, he knows what he is expecting from them. Here is

Shower Vs. Bath: Which Is Better For Your Health?

Who doesn’t love a bubble bath? That pleasant half-hour of quiet time, soaking away from it all in a relaxing tub. Heave

Why We Need to Rethink “Strong Is the New Skinny”

Learn how creating your own strength practice can improve your self-image and why the trendy phrase “strong is the new skinny” might not be serving us well. Try our strength workout with a friend! It’

How to Get a Rounded Tush with the Brazilian Butt Challenge

It’s official: flat is out, fit is in! It’s time to say goodbye to the age of the waif and hello to all shapes and sizes