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Does Melatonin Cancel Out Birth Control?

After you've counted dozens of sheep, listened to Regé-Jean Page read you a bedtime story on the Calm app, and skimmed t

Sleeping with a Light On Could Have Negative Health Effects, Suggests New Study

While some sleep with the TV or light on, others require total darkness for a good night's rest. But failing to create a

Four Steps To Women’s Hormone Optimization

This blog is from Liv HEALTH, our partner in personalized wellness, reprinted here with their permission. To explore opt

How to Boost Your Immune System: Part 3, Sleep

Sleep still is a bit of a mystery. We understand more than ever, but why it is the way it is (long and cyclical), and ex

Flourless Dark Chocolate Cake

Flourless chocolate cake became my obsession in the bustling kitchen of a gourmet restaurant where I worked in the early 90s. I was fascinated by the dense but creamy texture as well as the deep, dark