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What Is a Niacin Flushing Drink and Why Does Katy Perry Drink One Every...

In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, singer Katy Perry gave details about what a typical weekday morning

Mediterranean Diet Chicken Recipes for Lunch, Dinner, or Meal Prep

These Mediterranean chicken recipes are delicious for ways to eat lunch and dinner whether youre on the heart-healthy di

5 Eating Strategies to Help Look on The Bright Side

Use these eating strategies to help yourself look on the bright side more often. 1. Go back to basics An investigation in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that people who followed a typical We

African Mango: The Miracle Weight-Loss Supplement?

You may have seen the news about African Mango on those pop up ads or featured on the Dr. Oz Show. So what exactly is al

A Natural Beauty

Since cosmetics can be a big part of our lives, we should be sure the cosmetics we use on our bodies are pure and healthful. Many products to which we expose ourselves can enter our bloodstreams and a