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Is Fitness Killing You?

Youre being used. The 24-billion dollar fitness business is built on two platforms:There is something wrong with you tha

How to Roast Dandelion Roots

Dandelions are a strong ally in the body’s fight against cancer. Here’s some helpful kitchen tips on how to roast them so you can reap the amazing healthy benefits. You can find the full article on pa

How to Meditate: Step-By-Step Guide

When you hear the word meditation, what do you think of? Lots of Oms? Mountain tops? That it’s only for spiritualists an

Healthy Travel Guide: Jackson Hole, Wyoming

If youre a hardcore ski bum or boarder, Jackson Hole is likely on your to-do list. Boasting some of the best mountains a

7 Tips for Mindfulness Shopping this Black Friday

Click! That's one more item in the cart. It can be all too easy to get carried away when shopping online and keep adding