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10 kids’ remedies on the run

To make organizing a cinch, purchase a first aid kit with supplies like bandages and gauze. Then, consider adding some of the following suggestions to round out your stock. 1. Herbal teas Stash indivi

Save Our Drinking Water

Life without water cannot be. Although Canada is home to 20 percent of the world’s water supply, the freshwater reserves are limited and constantly subject to various threats such as climate change, p

The Keto Diet: Why This Dietician Doesn’t Recommend It

If I type “KE” into my browser’s search engine, “keto diet” automatically comes up as the first guess at what I am typin

Why It’s Critical to Be a Health and Fitness Skeptic (and How to Do...

I recently sat down with a young golfer client to discuss his goal of packing on some muscle and gaining about ten pound

Flourless Dark Chocolate Cake

Flourless chocolate cake became my obsession in the bustling kitchen of a gourmet restaurant where I worked in the early 90s. I was fascinated by the dense but creamy texture as well as the deep, dark