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Check Out Jennifer Garner's Take On TikTok's Frozen Yogurt Bark

Jennifer Garner's Instagram followers know all about her delightful #PretendCookingShow, in which the actress demonstrat

A Guide to the Essential Nutrients — and Why Your Body Needs Them

It's no secret that foods such as fruits, veggies, and whole grains are integral components of a healthy diet. But what

Why Managing OCD During the Pandemic so Tough

The coronavirus crisis has been tough on everyone. Our lives have turned upside down, and this has had long-lasting repe

Sleeping with a Light On Could Have Negative Health Effects, Suggests New Study

While some sleep with the TV or light on, others require total darkness for a good night's rest. But failing to create a

Flowering Flatbread

As spring herbs start to grow, it pays to let a few flower. Most herb flowers are edible and add great eye appeal and flavour to dishes. This savoury flatbread can be thrown together with premade flat