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The Later You Get to Sleep, the Worse Your Diet and Exercise Habits Will...

When you're sweating out late nights at the office and a 7 a.m. spin class beckons, barely squeezing in six hours of sle

The Only 2 Core Exercises You Really Need

Two exercises keep proving to be gold standards of core strengthening: the crunch, which firms the more superficial abs-

Why You Need to Rethink Your “Healthy” Bar Eating Habit

In 1975, Nature Valley introduced the granola bar. The initial reception was lukewarm as granola was seen as a “fringe f

Eco Friendly Fitness Tips

Looking to get fit outside while also helping the environment? Then youve come to the right place for environmentally-fr

Picnic Sports

What\'s a family picnic without badminton or bocce? Before you play picnic sports, prevent injury by doing some easy warmup exercises.Summertime and the exercisin’ is easy. Now’s the time to get outdoo